About Mugairyu

    The establishment of what is practiced today as Iaido is widely credited to Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu (1542-1621). From this point, the continuing succession of his followers gave rise to the many different schools of Iaido. Although Mugai-ryu was founded by Tsuji Gettan Sukemochi (1649-1727) as a school of Kenjutsu, it is known today as a school of Iaido.  The relationship between Mugai-ryu Kenjutsu and Iai began when Tsuji Gettan learnt Jikyo-ryu Iai from its founder, Taga Jikyoken Morimasaand had his pupils do the same. However, it is usually said that Jikyo-ryu was not adopted by Mugai-ryu Kenjutsu until the late 18th Century.

The founder of Mugai ryu, Tsuji Gettan was born in 1649, in the Miya-mura-aza village area of MasugiKōga-gun district of Ōmi (modern day Shiga Prefecture.) At age 13, he left the village for Kyoto to study Yamaguchi-ryū swordsmanship under Yamaguchi Bokushinsai Morimasa, and at the age of 26, after receiving Menkyo Kaiden, a teaching license, made straight for Edo (modern day Tokyo) to further hone his skills.

He then opened and taught at a Yamaguchi-ryu Dojo in Edo  Koishikawa. With strong thoughts of mastering the way”, He soon went to the Kyūkōji temple in Azabu Sakurada-cho in order to study Zen and Classical Chinese literature under Zen bishop Sekitan Ryouzen. In 1680, just before Sekitan zen bishop's passing on 23 June 1680, Tsuji Gettan received from him an old-style poem taken from the Buddhist scriptures and founded Mugai-ryu Hyoho (=Swordsmanship) at the age of 32. He also authored Kenpo Ketsu, 10 rules of Swordsmanship on 15 May 1680. This teaching is based on the essence of Zen theory, or an old Chinese meaning for Ying-Yang principle. The new style of swordsmanship quickly made him famous throughout Edo (=Tokyo).

Tsuji Gettan was finally spiritually awakened at the age of 45.  As the name of Tsuji Gettan became known far and widehis pupils grew in number. Of these students, Ogasawara NagashigeSakai Tadataka and Yamanouchi Toyomasa became feudal lords, and entrusted Tsuji Gettan with the care of thousands of students.

Tsuji Gettan Sukemochi was unmarried, and devoted his whole life to the pursuit of Kenjutsu and Zen until falling ill at the age of 79, and finally passing away on June the 23rd1727. He was buried in the Nyorai-ji Temple, Shiba-Takanawa (modern day Shinagawa.)

     Following his deaththrough his grandnephew Tsuji Uheitaand his adopted son, Tsuji Kimata, Mugai-ryu became taught all over Japan, particularly in the Tosa Domain and the Himeji Domain (modern day Shikoku and Hyogo Prefecture respectively) At this time, the successors of Mugai-ryu also inherited Jikyo-ryu Iai from the Kenjutsu instructors of the Sakai family in the Himeji domain, the Takahashi Clan.

     Takahashi Kyutaro Koun, born in July of 1879, learned Mugai-ryu HyohouJikyo-ryu Iai and Tsudaichiden-ryu Kenjutsu from his father, the famous Kenjutsu instructor Takahashi Takenari Tetsuo. In 1887, he was employed as the Metropolitan Police Forces dedicated Kenjutsu master. Takahashi Kyutaro Koun, Tosa Mugai-Ryus Kawsaki Zenzaburo  and Takano Sasaburo of Nakanishi-ha Itto-ryu were then collectively known as the Metropolitan Police ForceThree Prodigy Sons of Kenjutsu.

In 1903, Takahashi Kyutaro became the first ever Kenjutsu instructor of the Kobe High Commercial School (Modern day Kobe University) while also holding the position of chief instructor at the Hyogo Butokukai. However, after he met Nakagawa Shinichi, a former student of Kobe Daiichi Junior High School and Hyogo Prefectural Kobe High SchoolNakagawa enrolled in Kobe High Commercial School and took over Takahashis duties as full-time instructor.

   Nakagawa Shinichi Shiryu then inherited the Kata of Mugai-ryu Hyoho(Kenjutsu)” and Mugai-ryu Iai  from Takahashi Kyutaro, and compiled the two to establish a new form, giving it the name Mugai Shinden Mugai-ryu Iai Hyodo.

Without appointing a direct successorNakagawa Shinichi Shiryu passed away on the 2nd of January 1981 at the age of 86.

 He was then jointly succeeded by six individuals who received Menkyo Kaiden Scrolls (scrolls containing all the hidden mysteries of Mugai-ryu) from him. Due to the passing of the other five individuals entrusted with the Menkyo Kaiden, Konishi Misakazu Ryuoh is currently the legitimiate 16th soke of Mugai Shinden Mugairyu Iaihyodo.


Original Japanese script 原文無外流とは  


 無外流流祖・辻無外は、慶安二年(1649)に、近江国甲賀郡宮村字馬杉に生まれ、寛文元年(1661)、13歳で京都に出て山口流剣術の師、山口卜眞斎のもとで剣術を学びました。延寶二年(1674)26歳の時、師卜眞齋から免許を受けますが、更に技を磨くことを願い、師の許しを得て江戸へ下ります。山口流の道場を開き教授していましたが、究道の思いが強く、麻布吸光寺の石潭禅師に師事して禅学と中国の古典を学びました。 そして延宝八年(1680) 32歳の時、石潭禅師から「一法實無外 乾坤得一貞 吹毛方納密 動着則光清」の偈を授けられ、辻無外を辻月丹資茂と改め、流名を無外流として創流しました。「剣法訣十則」を編集したのもこの年でした。そして元禄6年(1693年)45歳の時に大悟し、不動の境地を得ました。 







 昭和56年(1981)1月2日、中川士龍申一は次代の継承を語ることなく86歳で生涯を終えました。その後中川宗家から「免許皆伝」の巻物を伝授された6名が伝授された順に宗家を継承しました。5名はすでに他界し、現在は最後の免許皆伝受領者である小西御佐一龍翁が、無外真伝無外流居合兵道の 正統第16代宗家を継承しています。